May 2024 Congrats to this years graduates, Reed, August, Ayush and Abhi!
Graduation 2024
04/03/24 August got his PhD with an amazing thesis seminar, and his paper is out in BioRxiv (04/20/24), congrats Dr. Surya!
April 2024 Alia has been awarded by TIDES Fellowship for summer research, congrats Alia!
Qiuxia gets the TAGC meeting 2024 best poster award!
03/10/24 Qiuxia is awarded the best postdoc poster in TAGC 2024 meeting, congrats Qiuxia!
03/08/24 Elif is awarded the best teaching award by Molecular Biosciences Department for her course titled BCH 339N: Bioinformatics and Systems Biology.
Feb 2024 Elif gave seminars at UC Davis and UC Santa Cruz, it was awesome to connect with colleagues.
Aug 2023 Elif gave an invited seminar at the Vienna BioCenter and served as an outside committee member for Friederike Leesch’s defense. She had an amazing time and is thankful for the invitation from Friederike and Andrea Pauli.
08/30/23 This month, Qiuxia's paper was accepted by PLOS Biology, and Trevor's paper was accepted by BMC Genomics. We are extremely excited about these achievements and want to extend our congratulations for the exceptional efforts that everyone involved has put into these projects!
MBS retreat 2024
05/20/23 Elif got a new research grant from Welch Foundation, on understanding the consequences of nucleolus loss on nuclear chromatin.
04/01/23 Qiuxia won the best talk award in TGS meeting, congrats!
03/24/23 Agustian and Qiuxia are giving talks at the Texas Genetics meeting. Agustian is also giving a talk at the MBS retreat this coming Monday.
02/18/23 Qiuxia gave a talk at the Gordon Research Conference, Translation Machinery and Disease.
11/04/22 Qiuxia gave a talk at the Southwest Society for Developmental Biology in Austin, Texas.
09/28/2022 Our lab’s work on investigating an organism-wide quiescence discovered upon modulating ribosome synthesis in a spatiotemporal fashion is out in BioRxiv.
06/2022 Elif was invited to give a seminar remotely at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin. She also gave a seminar at the RNA Society Meeting in Boulder, Colorado.
04/15/22 Here are some highlights from 2021 Fall/2022 Early Spring:
TGS Meeting 2023
Our collaborative project received 2021 RNA Journal prize, which is awarded is awarded annually to an outstanding paper published in RNA. Congratulations in everyone involved!
August’s review got accepted in Open Biology and will be online soon, congrats August!
Aneesh Thallapureddy, undergraduate from our lab enrolled in UT Austin Medical School and is starting this June. Congrats Aneesh, and all the best wishes in your future endeavors!
Elif and Jon Pierce got a CNS catalyst grant in collaboration for understanding nucleolar protein aggregation in C. elegans Alzheimer model.
Brendan Panici, (former) undergraduate from our lab, and Can Cenik’s lab started his graduate career in Baylor College of Medicine. His work was published in Genomics this past year. All the best wishes and congrats!
Ajay Panda, (former) undergraduate from our lab enrolled in Public Health Masters Program in Emory University! Congrats Ajay, and all the best wishes!
05/28/2021 Qiuxia gives a talk at Molecular Biosciences Department retreat. Great job Qiuxia!
05/27/2021 Elif gives a talk at RNA Society meeting, she is also hosting one of the RNA in disease sessions on June 2nd. This is such a great experience and she is grateful for the organizers !
05/13/2021 Trevor and Elif gets 2021 FSAB Faculty-Service Award for teaching. This is such a great honor to be nominated and selected by UT students!
04/06/2021 Amanda Leonitas receives the TIDES Advanced Summer Research Fellowship! Congrats Amanda!
06/30/20 Elif receives the Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) by NIH.
04/10/2020 Ajay receives TIDES Research Summer Fellowship!
10/25/19 Ajay receives Undergraduate Research Fellowship (URF)! Congratulations Ajay !
09/06/19 This year’s ICMB retreat was a lot of fun! August and Ryan presented posters and Elif gave a short talk. Thanks everyone for the contributions, we very much enjoyed interacting with first year graduate students. Welcome to UT!
03/19/2019 Lab research highlighted in Developmental Cell. Click here for more info.
02/16/19 Elif co-organizes Gordon Research Seminar, Translation Machinery in Health and Disease (GRS) and gives a talk in Gordon Research Conference Translation Machinery in Health and Disease (02/17/19-02/22/19) at Galveston, TX.
1/23/19 We are still looking for contributors for the GRS 2019 in Translation Machinery in Health and Disease. Modest contributions are welcome! For more details and the schedule please use this link. You could use the following link to make the contribution. Thanks so much and we appreciate your support!
The contributor will be acknowledged with a logo in the program that is distributed to each registrant, a logo and link to the organization’s website posted on the conference program on GRC’s website as well as slides presented by during the seminar thanking all contributors.
1/15/2019 Our new lab space!
RT @nevacaliskan: Translation control session #RNA2022 started by a fantastic talk on microfluidic RiboSeq by @CenikLab @RNASociety
RT @RNASociety: Thanks so much to everyone for attending #RNA22 & for sharing your exciting #RNA research with our @RNASociety comm…
RT @ut_mbs: Seminar @ut_mbs tomorrow! 4pm Dec 14, WEL 2.110 (note the room). Dr. Jennifer Kong (Stanford) "Mechanisms of morph…
RT @CenikLab: Our high coverage data enabled the first analysis of allele-specific ribosome occupancy in mouse preimplantation de…
RT @CenikLab: We developed a novel microfluidic isotachophoresis method (Ribo-ITP) to measure ribosome oc…
It was inspiring to listen Doug Phanstiel’s exciting 3D genome research and chat with him :) Thanks for joining us…
RT @KarbsteinL: Interested in understanding how ribosomes are made and chaperoned? How mistakes in assembly are identified? Or how…
RT @NicolasDenans: As promised, a thread about our latest paper: during injury, macrophages are the swiss knife: they do it all! Clean…
RT @KarbsteinL: Scripps Florida is looking for new faculty! 👩🏽🔬👨🏻🔬🧑🔬👨🏿🔬We intent to hire several people, so if you have a two-b…